Tuesday 21st February 2017
This Week152
This Month1746
Kompoung Cham draws a growing number of visitors thanks to its role as a cateway to the northweast. Attractions include several pre-Angkorian and Angkorian temple.
Kompoung Cham is a peaceful provincal capital spread along the bank of the Mekong. it was an important trading post during the French periode, who legacy is evident as you wonder throught the streets of chastened yet classic buildins.
Long considered Cambodia's third city after Phnom Penh and Battambang, Kompoung Cham has lately been somewhat let in the dust by the fast-growing tourist towns of Siem Reap and Sihanoukville. Kompoung Cham remains an important travel hab and acts as the cateway to eastern and northeastern Cambodia. This role has grown thanks to the first bridge to span the Mekong's width in Cambodia, dramatically cutting jouney times to popular destinations like Kratie and Mondulkiri.
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